(Bug #45895) Also remove data from friend/foe table when deleting user. (Bug #46215 - Patch by bantu) Correctly apply the can change vote permission again. (Bug #45705 - Patch by bantu) Adjust viewonline filename regular expression to be less strict. (Bug #34295 - Patch by bantu) Show error in the ACP when template folder is not readable. (Bugs #25545 - Patch by bantu, #26315, #38555, #45505 - Patch by Raimon, #45785, #45865, #47085 - Patch by Raimon) Fix some ACP style issues (Bug #45975 - Patch by leviatan21, Bug #16109 - Patch by prototech) Move post bump information markup to the template. (Bug #45695 - Patch by bantu) Correctly show private message history (Bug #46065 - Patch by bantu) Various XHTML mistakes in prosilver, subsilver2 and the ACP. (Bug #39035) Show report button in prosilver for guests who are allowed to report posts. (Bug #44875) Correctly determine writable status of files on Windows operating system. (Bug #44955) Sorting by author or subject on viewtopic now preserves the order. Allow whitespaces in avatar gallery names. Show error if hostname lookup doesn't return a valid IP address when banning. Make view_log() more resilient to corrupt serialized data.

Fix saving custom profile fields in ACP if Oracle is used. Only change topic/post icon if icons are enabled and user is allowed to. Allow friends/foes to be added and removed at the same time. Fix dynamic config update routine error if firebird is used (Bug #46315) (Bug #45765 - Patch by prototech and bantu) Correctly hide skiplink in prosilver right-to-left mode. Also remove data from friend/foe table when deleting user. Correctly apply the can change vote permission again. Adjust viewonline filename regular expression to be less strict. Show error in the ACP when template folder is not readable. Move post bump information markup to the template. Fix some ACP style issues (Bug #45975 - Patch by leviatan21, Bug #16109 - Patch by prototech) Various XHTML mistakes in prosilver, subsilver2 and the ACP. Correctly show private message history (Bug #46065 - Patch by bantu) Show report button in prosilver for guests who are allowed to report posts.

Correctly determine writable status of files on Windows operating system. Sorting by author or subject on viewtopic now preserves the order.